What is Sciatica | Sciatica Treatment

Sciatica is pain that originates from the sciatic nerves that run from one side of the pelvis through the hip and buttocks and down the leg. It be triggered in many ways, for example by small, normal movements like bending over to tie your shoe laces at a bad angle or...

Tennis Elbow Treatments

Welcome to another blog addition from KW Physio Dublin. For today’s blog we will be discussing the condition ‘Tennis Elbow’, what it is, giving you advice and how we can help treat it. Tennis elbow is a condition that is the root cause of pain around the outside of...

Dry Needling

Welcome to another blog addition from KW Physio Dublin. For today’s blog we will be discussing our dry needling service. Dry Needling is a very successful medical treatment, which uses very thin needles without any medication to achieve individualised aims. Dry...

Physiotherapy Service

Welcome to another addition of a KW Physio Dublin Blog. This blog will focus on our physiotherapy service and how it can benefit you. Physiotherapy can make a huge difference in helping you live an active lifestyle. For many people, physiotherapy is key in...

Hydrotherapy Services Dublin

What is drawing many of our clients from Dublin to Kiltipper Woods Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy Clinic is the range of cutting-edge physiotherapy interventions such as hydrotherapy and dry needling, available in an easy to access and relaxed environment. One of the...

Exercising Stretching Tips

Most people do not stretch before or after an exercise or workout and then come to us needing physiotherapy because they are injured. Here are some exercising stretching tips that will decrease the chances of you needing physiotherapy with us here in Dublin...

Physio Tips Upon Injury

Injuries are a part of life!! The following tips can help jump start the healing process and save the need for physiotherapy or at least aid in reducing the time spent here with us at Kiltipper Woods Physiotherapy Dublin. After getting hurt or injured, the best thing...