Our phone is constantly ringing with shoulder injuries and conditions. People often think it is frozen shoulder because they have stiffness and pain in that area, it is important to note however that you may have a different shoulder condition and or injury.
It might be a good idea to visit your GP first if you are unsure. This is not necessary as we at KW Physio Dublin will assess you upon arrival for your appointment.
What is Frozen Shoulder?
Frozen shoulder is when the shoulder becomes painful to start and then becomes very stiff.. It mostly occurs in patients between the ages of forty and sixty-five years of age and it usually lasts 1- 2 years.
Frozen shoulder occurs when there is swelling and thickening of the stretchy covering that surrounds your shoulder joint. This tissue is known as a capsule. In cases of frozen shoulder, it seems that bands of scar tissue form inside this tissue, causing it to thicken, swell and tighten. At all stages, we can provide you with physiotherapy aimed at reducing pain, maintaining movement and reducing stiffness , whilst also providing you with appropriate education about the condition and encouraging normal movement. For more information on Frozen Shoulder symptoms or a Frozen Shoudler Treatment and other conditions please do not hesitate to contact us on 01-4625277. KW Physio Dublin helping you recover since 2010.