Physio Tips Upon Injury

Injuries are a part of life!! The following tips can help jump start the healing process and save the need for physiotherapy or at least aid in reducing the time spent here with us at Kiltipper Woods Physiotherapy Dublin. After getting hurt or injured, the best thing...

Sports Physiotherapy Tips

For today’s blog we will give you another 5 Sports Physiotherapy tips to help keep you injury free and on the playing field this season. We hope these tips can help you and your team be injury free. Give us a call here if you need more  Sports...

Preventing Injury Tips For Runners

With the warm weather now in full swing, Dublin runners are dusting off their trainers and hitting the parks and beaches. Here are some tips for you to aid in the prevention of injury and therefore needing physiotherapy with us here in kw-Physio...

Physiotherapy Advice and Tips

For the next couple of blogs we will be giving you physiotherapy advice and tips, Here is the third update and we hope these physiotherapy tips can help you. If you spend a lot of time in a static position, try to take 2 minutes every half hour to move and...

5 Physiotherapy Tips

For the next couple of blogs we will be giving you physiotherapy advice and tips, Here is the second update and we hope these tips can help you. Challenge your balance regularly to prevent falls. You can do this by standing on one leg for increasing periods of...