With the warm weather now in full swing, Dublin runners are dusting off their trainers and hitting the parks and beaches. Here are some tips for you to aid in the prevention of injury and therefore needing physiotherapy with us here in kw-Physio Dublin

  1. Upon Starting, do not get impatient with your fitness levels, try to increase your running and training times by small amounts each time.
  2. Make sure you get a good pair of running shoes before you start running. Correct footwear will hugely decrease the chances of injury further down the line.
  3. Try to run on a flat surface at first. Although running on an incline can be really good for your fitness it can also increase the demands on joints in the lower body.
  4. If you are injured or sore after your last workout/run, it can and probably will get worse, rest until it is felling better and have it assessed if the pain does not subside.
  5. Balance and good posture are hugely important in preventing injuries. Why not try out Pilates classes here in Dublin 24 to get you in prime condition for your run.

Stay Tuned for more physiotherapy advice and tips in the near future!! Kiltipper Woods Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy Clinic serving the people of Dublin since 2010.