Knee Pain Physiotherapy

Most people will have a knee injury or condition at some point in their lives. There are several types of knee injuries and conditions, which can be treated by Physiotherapy.  They range from ligament and cartilage problems to tendon and muscular strains and so...

Physiotherapy for Knee Pain

Welcome to another addition of a KW Physio Blog. For today’s blog we will provide information about Physiotherapy for knee pain and what we can do to help. Knee pain can be caused by several different things (osteoarthritis for example), so we will provide an initial...

KW Physio Wish You a Happy Christmas

As the year comes to an end, all of us Kiltipper Woods Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy clinic  gratefully wish you a joyous holiday season and send our wishes for a wonderful new year. The clinic will stay open right up to Christmas eve so if you need us call as...

Knee Replacement Physiotherapy

A lot of conditions we treat are on knee complications and post surgery. Physiotherapy treatment at Kiltipper Woods Dublin 24 is vital to speed the healing process and ensure an optimal outcome in all patients following a knee replacement. This should ideally begin...

Back Pain Physio

Did you overdo it at training and pull a muscle? Have you suffered for years with a sore back? Are you recovering from post surgery? If you have problems similar to these and living in the Dublin area we can provide you with a professional and comprehensive...